Friday, October 29

Review: RED

I really wanted to title this post 'RED-iculously bad' but in my annoyingly obsessive manner I must stick to what I did with the Expendables review.

Anyway, as you may have now guessed, I didn't think RED was that good. But at the same time, I don't think it was that bad either. Of course, it was 'film bad' which means something completely different, but to me is was watchable. Most of the films released nowadays are 'film bad' which simply put means they weren't incredibly amazing, but worth the £5 or so you spent going to see it (plus if you have a bag of Werther's Originals with you, you're set!)

The ensemble cast of Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich did a pretty good job, combining very well into the 'Retired and Extremely Dangerous' category. However, something was most definitely missing. The film felt 'empty' and raw. The spy-like thriller tone with a hint of comedy (and I mean a hint, the funniest character on there is Malkovich as the kooky funny man, a foil to Willis) doesn't really go anywhere. There is a...ahem...plot per se but everything moves too fast to keep up and ultimately care about.

It's a run of the mill film to say the least, and after a strong summer of films it certainly quivers in comparison. At this time between the big Hollywood blockbusters of the summer and the upcoming Christmas bonanza of films, it's stuck in the middle leaving no real desire to see it.

Whilst to some it may have dragged on and on and on, it comes as fast as it goes leaving no impact and little to be seen again. Sure it's entertaining, but it has to be - it's a film. That doesn't necessarily mean it has to be good...

Wednesday, October 27

Hee hee hoo hoo ha ha!

See how carefully and most deviously in my previous post I ignored the fact my last update was 24 days ago?

I am so smart, I am so smart! S-M-R-T...I mean S-M-A-R-T!

I have a bad feeling about this...

So it seems George Lucas could be making more Star Wars films after the 3D release of the three we all know and love as well as the...other three. Shudder. Meh, I shouldn't really say that - the whole three prequels thing has been done to death and although they are bad and are nothing but an insult to the original trilogy, the awfulness has certainly been exaggerated over the years. (On a minor related note, the third of Plinkett's Star Wars reviews is coming out soon, hoorah!)

Back to the rumour however, and it seems the new films will be unrelated to the Skywalker's and all their mess, starting fresh once again. I must wonder though, how much Star Wars-ness can exist? After six whole films, billions of expanded universe novels and a planned 100 episodes of the television series, surely ideas will repeat themselves and/or people will bore of George Lucas' world. Pah, what am I saying? It's been going on for 33 years and looks to never diminish!

Sunday, October 3

Bother, blast and piffle.

A recent surge in university open days, Minecraft and of course, school work led me to kinda, well - forget about Dropped Banana.

For that, I am sorry.

However, after a recent update on LudiCrumb, I was reminded that blogging is indeed good and healthy and wise and many other positive words.

So yes, once again I shall update but I can't promise them to be regular and/or indeed funny, amusing or interesting.

Nonetheless, I shall try and actually, there are quite a few things I need to catch up on

  • Halo: Reach has been released which I have bought and played and well...didn't amazingly enjoy (which I shall explain about another time). If you want to read a review by someone who did enjoy it, then try LudiCrumb again.
  • The new season of The Simpson's has began airing over in the US - be prepared for more ranting on the crapiness!
  • Other things I cannot yet think of...but they exist!
I can't think of a decent exit so I'll just say this...goodbye!