Sunday, October 3

Bother, blast and piffle.

A recent surge in university open days, Minecraft and of course, school work led me to kinda, well - forget about Dropped Banana.

For that, I am sorry.

However, after a recent update on LudiCrumb, I was reminded that blogging is indeed good and healthy and wise and many other positive words.

So yes, once again I shall update but I can't promise them to be regular and/or indeed funny, amusing or interesting.

Nonetheless, I shall try and actually, there are quite a few things I need to catch up on

  • Halo: Reach has been released which I have bought and played and well...didn't amazingly enjoy (which I shall explain about another time). If you want to read a review by someone who did enjoy it, then try LudiCrumb again.
  • The new season of The Simpson's has began airing over in the US - be prepared for more ranting on the crapiness!
  • Other things I cannot yet think of...but they exist!
I can't think of a decent exit so I'll just say this...goodbye!

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