Tuesday, November 9

Remember this?

"At the moment I'm still not completely sold on buying this, but no doubt if my chums do on x-box, I will to. Maybe the campaign and/or other features we sell it to me, but at the moment all eyes are on Halo Reach!"
Well it turns out I couldn't be more wrong. Firstly, I have absolutely absolutely no inclination to buy Call of Duty: Black Ops. The campaign and/or other features, to me, seem pointless, unnecessary and generic. So much hype surround the game and now it's finally out I can't wait for the moaning to begin. Campers. Guns. Boosting. All that delicious stuff.

Of course, the game is different, but not different enough for me to warrant forty-odd pound to buy it. In general the gameplay is the same, the maps are the same, the guns are the same which all means it could boil down to DLC for Modern Warfare 2 and nothing more. Now, I must admit, I haven't played Black Ops, but surely if I have no lust to play the game, it has failed at it's purpose?

For those who have the money/time/patience to buy it, play it and not get annoyed by it (for the first couple of weeks anyway), good for you. But personally, the Xbox has seemed a bit lackluster lately. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough but all I want it a nice, original, interesting, absorbing game to play whilst everyone else is nuking, bombing, bow and arrowing, RC driving, knifing, sniping and n00btubing their way into frustration.

Oh, and the second point that is wrong in the quote is that I find Halo Reach to be truly one of the most disappointing titles in a long, long time. Sorry Bungie.

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