Sunday, January 8

Back to the Future

Ok, let’s get all the belated pleasantries out of the way - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and for good measure have a happy Hanukkah, kwazy Kwanzaa, tip-top Tết and a solemn, dignified Ramadan.

So it’s 2012, at last. This blog enters its third year of existence (kind of) which is quite cool, if I say so myself. When I first started this thing with haphazard test posts and random, creepy crap I never expected it to go on for this long. Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves though; these three years haven’t exactly been jam-packed with posts. Quite the contrary, several hiatuses (hiati?) have plagued this blog but every time, like a freshly resurrected phoenix, it bursts back into life for a few weeks then promptly dies once more. That’s the life-cycle of this thing I’m afraid and I doubt it’s going to change much.

What interests me more so is how I’ve changed the use of the blog. If you can be bothered to cast your eyeballs back to the posts made in 2010 around summertime, you’ll see I actually started this thing relatively seriously. Posts about game reviews, updates, analyses – it was all rather clean and sterile. You’ll also probably see lots of typos and grammatical mistakes, but proofreading was non-existent back then.  As you sweep through the posts, they do gradually change and the whole site becomes a lot more personal, especially with the introduction of random rambles and art-farty posts (which reminds me, I have some pictures to upload later). I like this style.

The problem however is that my life isn’t interesting enough to produce frequent posts in that style. Believe it or not I don’t have rants to spew out onto the internet every day – not yet anyway. Nor do I have art photos*, film reviews or random shtick to upload daily.

*Tell a lie, I may have daily sketches to upload if I continue contributing to this thing called SketchDaily on Reddit.

What I’m saying is that perhaps a mixture of the two styles will work best. When I don’t have personal ‘insights’, rants, rambles, ponderations and pictures to post, I can take something I’ve been reading on the glorious internet (probably about films, games, TV or gasp even politics sometimes (though interestingly, I’m much more interested in American politics than British…take that David Cameron!))  and give a little opinion on the matter.

As Grampa Simpsons once said “A little from column A, a little from column B”

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