Friday, September 3

Avada Kedavra this game immediately!

A few days ago I played the new Harry Potter Years 1 -4 Lego game with a friend and I just quickly want to give my thoughts about it. They are quite basic really...I don't like it.

I'm sorry, but any Lego game I see I straight away compare to Star Wars Lego and they just can't be beat. Batman Lego? No. Indiana Jones? No. Harry Potter Lego? God no. And it isn't even because it's not as good as Star Wars that makes this a bad game, no, it's just flawed anyway.

Much fuss was made of the new split screen thing that means you don't get pulled by the other player which in theory sounds good. But lots of theories sound doesn't necessarily mean they are. And this isn't. It's strange, the screen just decides to cut in half and the line separating the two screens swivels and turns and makes my eyes go banana crazy.

Other crapness about the game involves the settings. I like Harry Potter, I really do, but this game just doesn't have the vastness Star Wars had - everything seems cramped and tight and hard to see. I know this just lends itself to the theme of Harry Potter but it gets on my nerves. Also, the constant changing of spells to do the most pathetic actions then having to change back to do another thing is grilling and saps away any enjoyment that's left.

The game boasts having 150 characters. Oh my God! 150!? Well yes and no, as there are 150 characters but I'd say 50 of those are the same damn characters with different outfits. Ron Weasley. Ron Weasley Quidditch. Ron Weasley casual. Ron Weasley swimwear. You get the point and it's just sheer laziness.

Oh, and the brick builder function is downright boring to use, fiddly and a complete waste of anyone's time. Halo Forge it is not, shite it is.

All in all my advice is stay away from this game - read the books or watch the films instead.

p.s. To cheer myself up from this terrible game I chose to use a picture of my favourite character from the Harry Potter series, Remus Lupin - look at that mustache!

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