Monday, September 6


At the beginning of this very year, a new decade, I set myself a new year's resolution. And not a crappy one like "I'm going to be nicer to people" or "I'm going to donate to charity more", no no no, instead I decided upon a meaningful, fully-fledged one.

To go to the cinema more often.

So far I think I've done well. Compared to my previous record of 4 in 2009, I achieved viewing all these so far in 2010:
  • Kickass
  • Iron Man 2
  • Prince of Persia
  • Toy Story 3
  • Inception
  • The Expendables
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Hmmm, after actually looking up what films I've seen this year it isn't as many as I originally though. Damn. Oh well, it's better than last year. I'd say at least four of those films count as amazing films, I'll leave you to guess. Although actually I'm going to tell one of those because this whole post was in fact about Scott Pilgrim's performance at the box office.

With a budget of $60 million it's only made around $35 million, classing it as a "major financial disappointment." I went to go see it only the other day and whilst I wasn't blown away by it, it's a whole damn better than some of the other stuff on at the moment. And I really do have to wonder why it's doing so badly.

As mentioned, I thought the film was very good and I loved the style and cinematography of it, the gaming references and the fact it made me laugh (very few films I've seen lately are actually that funny). My only guess on it's low income is it's marketing. I saw the film advertised but I never truly got a grasp on what the film was - it's like they didn't know what to advertise it as.

I really do hope it's boosted by DVD sales because it doesn't deserve to be in the state it is. Edgar Wright, director of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead (one of most favouritist of films evar!) has done a great job on this, and the actors are all fantastic.

So if you didn't go watch it, if you still can do. And if you can't, buy the DVD multiple times!

p.s. I have noticed a lot of my posts end with me commanding you to do something. Please do not feel threatened by this.

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