Wednesday, September 1

Review: The Expendables

Ok, ok...I think I'm good now. After two days of rest I feel capable to write in words what I thought of this film. And to be honest, it was actually quite good!

I think the whole outcome of people's opinion on this film is based around their mindset when entering the cinema. If you go in expecting developed characters, a coherent plot and stunning special effects you're going to be disappointed...quite why anyone would enter thinking that is beyond me, it's directed by Rocky/Rambo man Sylvester Stallone! If you enter knowing that what you're about to watch is two hours of explosions, blood, guns and death you won't be disappointed. It's as simple as that.

The Expendables seems to be one of films where you just switch off your brain and relax enjoying the cinema and friends (unless you go to the cinema freak). Personally, I thought a lot of it worked well and for what it was trying to be, an 80's-like action mish-mash, it damn well was! The cast of macho men including director Sylvester Stallone, weird shaped head man Jason Statham and big lipped Mickey Rourke pulled the film along with their 'witty' banter and one-liners (for examples, when responding to what his and Sylvester's names are, Jason Statham replies "I'm Buda...and he's pest"...Hilarious!). And that's probably the of the best things about this film, the interaction between the characters and how they get on together.

There's not really much to say about the ideas about this film...obviously, and analysing anything is out of the question but there's one moment in the film which was very strange indeed and I guess is a testament to Mickey Rourke's acting abilities. Halfway through the film've guessed it, lots of fire and bullets, there's a scene between Stallone and Rourke's character 'Tool'. After a bit of conversation, Rourke goes into a story about how when he was with the Expendables he left someone to die when in fact he could have saved them. It's not really important to the...ahem...'plot', but it slows everything down quite abruptly by Rourke's performance.

Whilst nothing was really wrong with the film, there were parts that kick-started the cringe function in my brain, including some very dodgy CGI that looked like a Nintendo 64 game and such cliche shots like a close up of someones eye with a reflection. But they all helped I guess, in it's downright crappiness this film is amazing. I couldn't stop laughing after leaving the cinema, so at least it was enjoyable. I say, if you know what to expect and just want a simple sit-back, no think-y movie then this is for you.

And just to give you a little taste of what it's like, a man's torso gets blow off in the first five minutes! Enjoy!

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