Friday, May 21

Just a little update..

Ok, so I've been thinking of some things to do for Dropped Banana because at the moment all it's been is:
  1. News
  2. Games
But alas, I want it to be more than that, with a wider variety of posts and topics. Yes exams are coming up but we don't need to care about them just yet, or at least you don't. Therefore, I've come up with some possiblilites for the future that I hope you'll enjoy. They are as follows:
  1. Rants - I enjoy a good 'ol rant from time to time about certain aspects of the media (or anything at all I should say) so be prepared for some moaning (to be specific I think the first one may be about the Simpsons).
  2. Reviews - This can cover both films and games (and TV I guess to an extent). I must warn you, I don't really want to make them to long to read because I think short and sweet posts are the best. Ergo - you can't expect too much of these, as in full on analysis etc. They're just going to simple ones to have a quick skim through.
  3. Top 20's, 10's or 5's of a particular subject...who knows what though.
  4. Quotes of the Day/Week perhaps...hmmm, maybe some more thought into that one.
There'll be other things of course as I go along, but these are just a few examples of the things you should expect. That is all.

p.s. I can't promise these to be funny.

p.p.s. I'm sorry.

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