Friday, May 21

SMG2 - The Best Mario Game Ever!?

I swear this blog won't just be about Mario but yesterday and today a ton of reviews came pouring into the Internet that I though you might like to see...

"It's a near-perfect mix of superb controls, unequaled level design and pure creative genius. Simply, it'll never fail to put you in a good mood. You can't ask for more from a game than that."

IGN - 10/10
"Most of all, Super Mario Galaxy 2 perfectly captures that classic videogame charm, the reason why most of us got into gaming from the start."

GameTrailers - 9.7

1Up - A
"Nintendo shows that "more of the same" doesn't have to be a bad thing."

Wired - 9/10
"A new surprising gameplay twist every few minutes, great nostalgic moments, deep challenges if you want them."

Edge - 10/10
"We’ve come so far, from stepping on mushrooms to drop-kicking meteors into the heart of the sun; Galaxy 2 offers a new understanding of where we’ve been, a new sense of wonder at where we’ll go next."

Official Nintendo Magazine - 97%

So there we are, early reports are looking incredibly positive, with some even labelling it the best game on  the Wii or even the best Mario game yet. One things for sure though and that is I'll be getting the game when it comes out, so expect something soon on my thoughts.

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