Sunday, May 23

The Simpsons hit a new low...again...

I won't get into too much detail here but we all know that the Simpsons is not funny anymore. What should have ended 10 years ago keeps crawling onwards producing such lifeless, dull and unfunny episodes it's become everything the show detested back in the 1990's.

Along with this comes the sell-out merchandising, much akin to the Lady Krusty Mustache Remover and Krusty Geiger Meter. However, whilst this applies to actual products, it can also apply to events on the show. Take the opening couch gag of season 21's "To Surveil with Love", if you can really call it a couch gag. In part of 'Fox Rocks' week, a number of their shows got a musical number added to them, including the Simpsons. So, instead of the usual opening, we got Lisa and eventually the whole of Springfield miming, of all songs, Kesha's "Tik-Tok". It was a cringe-worthy, avoidable mess even with the out of place interesting animation. If you dare want to feast your eyes upon it, be my guest. (It's back to front but the best quality, so it can stain your eyes even better!)

I thought after that atrocity we might have a little break from the sell-out-ness but I was very wrong. With the 2010 World Cup comes a short film by Nike. Concerning most of the film, I think it's very good (never mind that I know nothing about football and don't follow it at all) but then this happened...

That's right, they just don't stop! Admittedly it's not as bad as the Tik Tok opening but it still adds to the depressing feeling that the writers just don't care what they do now, as long as it rakes in the cash. It's not funny and it's not well animated. The only good thing about it is that they managed to capture Ronaldo's (or should I say Ronal-d'oh's? No, no I shouldn't) smugness and irritating persona. So there we go, even more to add to the growing pile of desolate crap the Simpsons churn out.

Oh and click here if you want to see the whole film.

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