Friday, August 27

Ahem...your attention please...

Go place your eyeball lens looker devices onto a screen or monitor displaying the twelfth episode of The Simpsons's fourth season, otherwise known as Marge vs. the Monorail. I shall give you three reasons why:

1. It's funny.

2. Conan O'Brien wrote it.

3. It has amazing quotes:
  • "Heh heh...mule"
  • "Do you want to change your name to Homer Junior? The kids can call you Ho-Ju!"
  • "So then, “mono” means “one”. And ”rail” means “rail”. And that concludes our intensive three-week course."
  • ..."I call the big one Bitey"
  • "We're too late!" "I shouldn't have stopped for that haircut. Sorry."
Ask me to recite a quote anywhere near as funny as those from let's say...season 15 onwards and I wouldn't have a clue. Go figure...

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