Thursday, August 19

Motion controls: Useless.

So I was scrolling through YouTube aimlessly as usual and decided to go on IGN's channel. There I found a video about the new Harry Potter Deathly Hallows game. Now I'm definitely not a major Harry Potter fan (I gave up on the books after number three) but...I guess I was bored so I watched it. And to my surprise I found this...

Now I shouldn't judge it on one game...but when the one game in question looks this bad I can't help it. To be honest I don't really like the idea of motion controls in game consoles anyway (some Wii games that I have are an exception because it uses them well e.g. MarioKart, Super Mario Galaxy, Warioware see a pattern?) because the majority of gamers, being fat/lazy/nerdy/unfit, don't want to move. Wii have opened up a disgusting terrible market with 'family' games but the less said about that the better.

But this Harry Potter video is new level of crapness. Firstly it seems to be an on-rails game, making the actual gameplay nothing more than what you see - waving your arms. Secondly, it's the arm waving!!! Who wants to do that? Who wants to work with a friend flicking your arm? There's no strategy, no excitement and no fun (not to mention the fact the detection looks a bit iffy).

When I first heard about Kinect (or Project Natal back then) it did sound exciting but not for the reason I think they meant. I didn't want to play any games on it, oh my no. I was just fascinated with the technology involved and that's all. And even that looks a bit dodgy now with all these demo's. The Playstation Move looks exactly the same except instead of holding nothing you're holding...well...y'know what people have described them as...

Xbox and Playstation - leave the Wii with it's own market and don't try and interfere. Just stick to what the people want - more explosions, more guns and more Just me then...

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