Monday, August 16

People care enough to not care on Facebook

Petitions are currently being signed by people who obviously need to get out more. Yes, Facebook users are demanding a 'Meh' button similar to that of the 'Like' one, after seeing the button being taken up by many other websites to great success. Some idiotic CEO bloke quotes "it's a surprising hit", despite the fact all that shows is people are publicly declaring 'I don't like this, I am bored or disappointed or unimpressed by this" about his particular website. Now that's business!

Plus, the addition of this button to Facebook would only mean more junk to arrive on your newsfeed...

So that's a definite no from me, yet one thing I will take away useful from this apparent slow news day (ahem..three days ago...) at New York Daily News is that the actual word, like all things, was created by the Simpsons. God bless Jebus...and the Simpsons...the good Simpsons...seasons 1 - 9...ok I'll stop.

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