Wednesday, October 19

Arty Stuff - 19/10/11

First off, here's what happened when I confronted oil paints for the first time in ages, trying to paint some walnuts...

Some walnuts. Oil paints ~25 mins

As you may be able to tell, I was too impatient to let some layers dry, so it all conglomerated into one big mushy mess. However, these nuts won't be ignored in the future I can tell you - I think I'll try again with acrylic so it dries faster.

Here's a bowl of random stuff (mostly shells)...

Bowl of stuff (shells). Fineliner ~15 mins

And finally here's the beginning of a quick study I'm doing of a horse and rider. It's in preparation for a bigger and hopefully better piece. With this one, I've been patient enough to do it in layers, this being the first. As Bob Ross would say - "touch it, just barely touch it..."

Horse/rider study. Acrylic ~30 mins 
A bit closer
Same again.
Picasa Web Album

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