Sunday, October 23

Arty Stuff - 23/10/11

Here's some arty updates for you all.

Well actually it's not much, but we'll start with that flower thing from a couple of days ago...

Flower finished. Watercolour ~ 40 mins
Urgh, it's absolute shite really. To be honest I kinda gave up 2/3rd's the way through because I knew it wasn't very good. The thing with watercolours is, or at least how I see it, is that having larger, more confident brush strokes will result in a better piece.With this I got too bogged down in getting the shade and intensity of the colour right. In the end all these tiny little brush marks blended together horribly and now there's no space in the picture - it's all flat.

However, we've got to make the mistakes in order to not repeat them and I still see this as a valuable step in the right direction. As my art teacher used to say - "you must dig in the garden of failure in order to find the treasure of success"...or something. How deep the treasure is buried he didn't say.

Looking at the above piece made me angry though, so I ditched the colour and tried recreating tones in black and white watercolour. Luckily I had a mug right next to me which displayed many different tones with the lighting. It's not the right shape or in proportion, but I think the tones demonstrate the shape well enough...

Mug. Watercolour ~ 8 mins
Overall, I'm much more pleased with this and it took only a fraction of the time the flower one did. Marvellous!

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