Sunday, October 30

Things are a-happening!

Indeed they are, for tomorrow I'm starting a week-long bit o' work experience for my local newspaper. It doesn't really sound like much, but in truth it is.

The main reason is because if journalism is a career I want to look into, getting some knowledge of the field in any way, shape or form is useful. Ok, so it's a local paper but what they do is still the same - finding stories, writing, editing. Knowledge is power, and all that.

Plus, it's just going to be cool. At the very least it will keep me busy for a week, at the very most it could cement my desire to enter the field of journalism and get a little toe in the door of it.

Anyways, I did some more art earlier, finally going back to that horse picture I started a while back.

Did a bit more to the legs and overall blending in of the tones. Acrylic, ~40 mins 
I mainly focused on the legs, although to be honest not alot was done for the amount of time it took. Looking at it, that front right leg needs enlarging, but I'm liking it so far. The contours of the the muscles are quite difficult to capture, especially with the size of this painting (it's A3 size) but we're getting there slowly. It's still terribly annoying that the rider's head is just out of the frame but what can you do? (Apart from framing it correctly in the first place, silly.)

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