Thursday, October 13

A smaller rant...

I really hate how bad I am at starting/finishing things. Damn procrastination and damn my laziness. The problem I have, very often, is that all the ideas are in my beautiful brain* but the process of transferring them from there to either paper or keyboard never really happens. It's very annoying, don't you know. I'm sure you probably do - we all do this don't we?

Except due to recent events, I don't have the excuse of being busy any more - therefore, I'm going to set a target. A small target at first, but let's work from that. I've got to post something of relatively good quality** everyday for...hmmm...a week, to being with. Then, if that ends up successful, we'll go for two, then three and you get the idea.

* I sincerely doubt my brain is beautiful. In fact, it's just a big blob of cells and synapses, really. But then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that rubbish...

**Quality is all relative here at Dropped Banana, much like space and time. However, along with reviews, general thoughts, rants and other stuff, I may also start to post bits and pieces of art I plan to do over the coming months in a sort of online portfolio manner. All I'm saying is be prepared...

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