Wednesday, October 19

Mythbusters AKA 'How big an explosion can we make?'

Mythbusters just isn't as good as it used to be, sadly.

I got hooked on a programme that would take science and make it watchable. Take old sayings, interesting concepts and ideas and test them. Start from the beginning and work their way through to the end of the myth and its result. I watched an episode earlier and it was just all explosions.

I don't know if they've just run out of ideas, but their over-reliance on YouTube videos and 'let's blow it up anyway' attitude has really put me off the show now. It's almost been 'dumbed down' I regret to say and that's what is annoying. The only reason the show has morphed into this cavalcade of pyrotechnics is because it's increased in popularity over the last 7 years, and wants to expand its audience. That's what it comes down to folks - the money.


P.S. I realise I've technically missed a day, but it's about 00:30 at the moment and because my sleeping pattern still isn't great I class this as still being Tuesday in my head. I know, excuses excuses...

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