Wednesday, October 26

Arty Stuff - 26/10/11

I am back once more with arty stuff...the only 'stuff' worth knowing about.

Firstly, here's a painting I did yesterday. Following on from my walnuts, I decided a pumpkin we bought a few weeks ago ready to demolish and scare away dressed up little children would be a neat, 'organic', natural object to paint.

Pumpkin. Watercolour and acrylic, ~30 mins
I started off painting this with some newly bought, but extremely crappy (£1) watercolours. You get what you pay for I guess. However, in trying not to make the same watercolour mistakes as last time (i.e. small, pappy brush strokes that muddify the piece), the card started to shed layers as I was getting it too wet. Silly me. Therefore, I quickly turned to thicker acrylics and used a strange mixture of both to finish.

Overall, I'm pleased. From a distance it looks rather nice, yet up close it just looks unfinished really. It turns out orange is an incredibly difficult colour to make and the orange you're seeing is not actually correct. But hey, it looks like a pumpkin at least. Also, I'm rather proud of the lovely bright reflection the veg had in my room. A past version of myself would probably have painted the whole thing orange and then awkwardly smothered on white paint to achieve it. This time around, I just didn't paint it at all, or dabbed away small amounts.

Next up are just some simple sketches...

Some bottles from bathroom, single line (can't take pen off paper). Fineliner, ~ 6 mins
This was an attempt at a single-line, never leaving the page sort of deal. This process practically creates a vague silhouette so I chose some interestingly shaped bottles from my bathroom. You can probably tell where I started - yep, the mouthwash is all skew whiff but gradually it got better. I particularly like the top of the lynx bottle. It's always good to try these sorts of things so you don't reach a sort of plateau doing the same thing over. As an artist, something I crucially learned from A-Level is to always challenge yourself. Admittedly, this is a rather small step, but it's a step nonetheless.

The start of my dogs leg. Pencil, ~ 1 min
Another dog's head. Pencil, ~ 10mins
This morning I was sat watching TV and due to the fact it was only crappy Homes Under the Hammer, I decided on some quick sketches of my dogs instead. The top is a perfect example of why this is a stupid idea (not sketching, but sketching animals). Y'see, I'm no Dr. Doolittle, so the bloody mutt kept moving. Admittedly I did choose a rather weird and often moving part of her body (if you can make is out, it's the top of her hind leg, a bit like a chicken's), but still...bloody mutt...

The second went far more successfully, as the puppy was far less picky about her position. Unfortunately, I have a terrible habit of framing a picture wrong, and always zoom in too far, cutting things off. In this case, without the rest of her snout and nose, it looks weird. I do quite like the eye though - eyes are always tricky.

And to end things off, here's a sketch I did many moons ago (well, 23 to be precise) which until now I'd forgotten about...

Glass on paper. Biro, ~ 20 mins
It was just a glass, but transparent objects are a pain in the behind. This was especially the case because not only was the glass transparent (duh!) but it had little bobbles all over it which distorted the view. Somehow, despite not focusing too much on drawing (my mind was elsewhere at the time I believe), the end result was impressive. Well, in my opinion anyway. I do like using biro sometimes with the scratchy texture it gives.

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